Charms Given to Donor Ranks

Below is a breakdown of all of the charms that a player automatically receives when they purchase a donor rank!

Bronze Rank

  • Pog Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<killer> pogged <dead>.” (2x)
  • Clapped Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> got clapped by <killer>.” (2x)
  • Rekt Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> got rekt by <killer>.” (2x)
  • F’s in Chat Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “F’s in chat for <dead>.” (1x)
  • Rock-paper-scissors Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<killer> beat <dead> in rock-paper-scissors.” (1x)
  • Gym Class Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> should have worked harder in gym class.” (1x)
  • Fiery Arrow Trail – When shooting a bow with this charm applied, its arrows leave a trail of flames. (2x)
  • Fiery Particle Trail – With this charm applied, players are followed by a trail of flames. (2x)
  • Snowflake Particle Trail – With this charm applied, players are followed by a trail of snowflakes. (1x)
  • Bubble Particle Trail – With this charm applied, players are followed by a trail of bubbles. (1x)
  • Black Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a black color. (3x)
  • Gray Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a gray color. (3x)
  • Dark Gray Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a dark gray color. (3x)
  • White Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a white color. (2x)
  • Dark Blue Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a dark blue color. (2x)

Silver Rank

  • Death Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> died of death.” (2x)
  • Vibe Check Kill Message –  Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> got vibechecked.” (2x) 
  • Mafia Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> was iced by <killer>.” (2x)
  • Kill ‘em with Kindness Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> was hugged too hard by <killer>.” (1x)
  • Staring Contest Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> lost a staring contest with <killer>.” (1x)
  • Gun Fight Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> brought a knife to a gun fight.” (1x)
  • Happy Villager Arrow Trail – When shooting a bow with this charm applied, its arrows leave a bright green trail. (2x)
  • Happy Villager Particle Trail – With this charm applied, players leave a bright green trail. (2x)
  • Totem of Undying Particle Trail – With this charm applied, players are followed by a trail of totem particles. (1x)
  • Yellow Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a yellow color. (3x)
  • Light Blue Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a light blue color. (3x)
  • Light Orange Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a light orange color. (3x)
  • Dark Green Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a dark green color. (2x)
  • Magenta Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a magenta color. (2x)

Gold Rank

  • Taxes Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> forgot to pay their taxes.” (2x)
  • Rick Roll Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “Never gonna give <dead> up! Never gonna let <dead> down!” (2x)
  • Deja Vu Kill Message –  Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> died… again.” (2x)
  • Matrix Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> watched the Matrix once and thought they could dodge <killer>.” (1x)
  • Opposite Day Kill Message –  Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<killer> was killed by <dead> but it’s opposite day.” (1x)
  • Victory Royale Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<killer> got the #1 Victory Royale.” (1x)
  • Cupid’s Arrow Trail – When shooting a bow with this charm applied, its arrows leave a trail of hearts. (1x)
  • Heart Particle Trail – With this charm applied, players are followed by a trail of hearts. (1x)
  • Witch Particle Trail –  With this charm applied, players are followed by a trail of purple magic. (1x)
  • Dark Red Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a dark red color. (3x)
  • Dark Orange Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a dark orange color. (3x)
  • Aqua Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to an aqua color. (3x)
  • Dark Aqua Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a dark aqua color. (2x)
  • Light Green Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a light green color. (2x)

Diamond Rank

  • Legendary Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> was bested by the legendary <killer>.” (2x)
  • Domination Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> was absolutely destroyed by <killer>.” (2x)
  • Hacker Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> was DDoS’d by <killer>.” (1x)
  • Pirate Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<dead> be sent to Davy Jones’ locker by <killer>.” (1x)
  • Parallel Kill Message – Upon killing a player with a weapon with this charm, the kill message reads “<killer> sent <dead> into a parallel dimension.” (1x)
  • Musical Arrow Trail – When shooting a bow with this charm applied, its arrows leave a trail of music notes. (1x)
  • Musical Particle Trail – With this charm applied, players are followed by a trail of music notes. (1x)
  • Flame Cube Particles – With this charm applied, players are surrounded by a flaming cube.
  • Flame Cone Particles – With this charm applied, players are surrounded by a flaming cone.
  • Light Red Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a light red color. (3x)
  • Purple Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a purple color. (3x)
  • Pink Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a pink color. (3x)
  • Gold Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a gold color. (2x)
  • Rainbow Item Inscription – Applying this charm to an item changes its name to a rainbow color. (2x)